Passions vs Career: An Important Distinction

I grew up with a lot of interests as a kid. I wanted to know a little bit about everything. I would immerse myself in certain  activities or subjects that intrigued me until I gained enough knowledge to be competent. Once I was comfortable with what I learned I would just move on to the next …

The Discipline of Freedom

Whether we like it or not, nothing in this world is free. There’s no such thing as something for nothing. There is a universal law of cause and effect  that is irrefutable. When I speak of freedom in any context, I am speaking of putting yourself in a position to make your own decisions, and not …

First World Problems

In case you haven’t noticed, there is a general theme that is present in all of my articles thus far. Everyday I continue to see logical fallacies and victimhood mentalities sweeping through my environment like a cancer that feeds on negativity and blame shifting. How can we ever expect things to change (assuming it really …

The Art Of Fitting ‘Out’

I love every time I’m asked what my interests are. The moment someone thinks they can relate to me on one level, I come out of left field with something I’ve done that they would never do, people I associate with that they would never find themselves around, or have a certain thought process they …